Renaissance Evolution @ Cybersecurity Vatican

Vatican introduced a Foundation about the cyber intelligence and all the implications due to that.

Accepting the request from the Pontificia Academy for Life of Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia.

The Foundation born from the Rome Call for Al Ethics, for an ethics approach to the artificial intelligence signed by Brad Smith, IBM John Kelly III, the general director of Fao Qu Dongyu and and for representing the Italian Government there was Paola Pisano, Italian minster for Innovation and Technology.

Its mission will be to share this paper all over the world because in front of the invasion of this dimension in the everyday life the artificial intelligence could re-assert the ethical, educational and commune perspectives. Its mission will be to share this paper all over the world because in front of the invasion of this dimension in the everyday life the artificial intelligence could re-assert the ethical, educational and commune perspectives.

Mons. Paglia said that the Pope is asking for a technological development with a better social justice.

A call to Responsibility, a duty to promote a use of artificial intelligence based on values such as: transparency, inclusion, responsibility, impartiality and trust, security, and privacy.

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