Renaissance Evolution @ Fitce November 2021

The future of sustainable global expansion

The Presidential Network Reception hosted by Renaissance Evolution, with Vinicio Cerezo de Guatemala, Jamil Mahuad de Ecuador, Carlos Mesa y Jorge Quiroga de Bolivia y Luis Alberto Lacalle del Uruguay.


  • Dr. Roberto Masiero, President and Founder of Renaissance Evolution

  • Cesar Grajales, Spokesperson, LIBRE Initiative & Americans for Prosperity

  • Carlos Diaz-Rosillo, Founding Director of the Adam Smith Center at FIU

  • Paul Choiseul, Vice President of New Products and Technology at American Tower

  • His Excellency Dawood Al Shezawi, President & CEO, Annual Investment Meeting

  • Jose Rodriguez, Chief Strategy & Development Officer at Renaissance Evolution

  • Jag Badwal, Agent-General, Government of Ontario, Canada

  • Gregory Haile, President, Broward College.

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