Renaissance Evolution @ Fitce 2019 (Florida International Trade And Cultural Expo)
Roberto Masiero, the President and Founder of the Renaissance Evolution, a Think Tank based in Washington D.C. with offices in Florida and author of the book CHIEF CULTURAL OFFICER – 8 Pillars toward Sustained Global Influence”, introduced the concept of the Chief Cultural Officer (CCO), in 2019 in Broward County at Florida International Trade and Cultural Expo (FITCE 2019).
Welcome remarks:
Mario Baccini, President of ENM
Hon. Pier Ferdinando Casini
Hon. Mara Carfagna
Father Alberto Cutie,
Television and Radio Host
The Hon. Michael Udine, Broward County Commissioner
The Hon. Ted Deutch, US Congressman,
Dr Anthony J. DENapoli, Dean of International Affairs, NSU
Dr Roberto Masiero, Founder of Renaissance Evolution Inc,
Jose Rodriguez, Chief Strategy & Development Officer, Renaissance Evolution
Art Estopian, President of the Estopinan Group
John Dickinson, President World Trade & Development Group
Col. Noel Zamot, US Air-Force